Shawn Hall


Dr. Galley and M. V. Gillett discovered rich silver-lead ore in the Hot Creek Range of Nye County in 1870, but Tybo did not develop until 1874. By 1876, the population was more than one thousand. A series of fifteen charcoal kilns were built in nearby canyons to help in the smelting process. Mining slowed and by 1881, only one hundred people were left. A new mining revival began in 1916, but faded in 1922. Major mining took place from 1926 to 1937 when the Treadwell-Yukon company built a mill and hired more than two hundred men.

Silver Bow

Rich silver deposits were located in the southern Kawich Range of Nye County in November 1904. When prominent Nevadans George Wingfield and George Nixon became involved, people flocked to the newly founded town of Silver Bow. By spring 1905, more than 300 people were living there.

Round Mountain

In early 1906, Louis Gordon discovered high grade gold deposits in the heart of the Toquima Mountains in Nye County. By spring, a small camp called Gordon, after its discoverer, was established. Gordon's population was more than 400 in the summer of 1906, and the town was renamed Round Mountain. This was one of the few places in Nevada where substantial hydraulic mining took place, accounting for a significant percentage of gold production through 1928.


Miner George Nicholl found rich silver deposits in the southern part of the Toquima Range in Nye County during 1866. Only sporadic production occurred there until major new discoveries, assaying at $3000 a ton, were made in April 1905. A rush to the booming mining camp ensued, and by the end of 1905, Manhattan had a population of more than 1000, seventy-five frame buildings, and two newspapers. Although the town was at its peak, the San Francisco earthquake in April 1906 had a tremendous effect on it.


A.V. Wilson and R. Chanrock discovered silver at Jefferson Canyon in Nye County's Toquima Range in 1865, but it was not until two large stamp mills were built in 1874 that the town of Jefferson was born. The town's best years were 1875 and 1876 when $1.5 million was produced and its population was around 800. Little else happened there after 1879 until Charles Stoneham, owner of the New York Giants, bought all the mines in 1917. Stoneham built a mill, and Jefferson enjoyed a revival until 1919.


Silver discoveries at Union Canyon in the Shoshone Mountains by P. A. Havens in 1863 led to the formation of Ione. In 1864, Ione was named the first county seat for Nye County. At that time, the town had a population of 600 and more than one hundred buildings. The combination of low mine production and the emergence of Belmont forced Ione to relinquish the county seat in 1867.

Hot Creek

As a result of numerous ore discoveries in nearby canyons during 1866, the small town of Hot Creek in Nye County formed quickly and had a population of over 300 by 1868. Charcoal kilns were constructed to fuel the local mills. By 1881, the boom was over after producing $1 million.

Since then, Hot Creek has been a prosperous ranching area. Many vintage buildings and kilns survive including the impressive stone Hot Creek Hotel.


While the Cincinnati Mining Company discovered silver in the Shoshone Mountains of Nye County as early as 1887, Berlin did not form until 1897. A thirty-stamp mill was built and Berlin steadily grew until it had a population of 300 by 1905. However, a miner's strike in 1907 ended the boom. A new operation from 1910 to 1914 kept a few people in the largely abandoned town. After that, Berlin was empty except for the mine superintendent who remained on duty until 1947.

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